Pleasurable Captivity

There was a whistling noise, a sudden impact, and an upward surge. Xander was airborne, hanging with one arm and one leg clamped tight in massive talons. He twisted for a moment, but quickly stopped when he realized how far away the ground was already. If he fell from this height, the strength of Captain America might not be enough to save him.

Bending his head back to look above him, Xander felt blood rush to his face. The immense wings dwarfed the giant figure holding him, but dragon-like though they were, it was no dragon holding him. Looking up legs that were strangely shaped, he found they met a body fit for a supermodel, feminine, in a massive way. The flexing of her wings shifted her leather wrapped bust about in a fascinating way, but his eyes were soon locked between her legs. She wore a skirt of some sort, but nothing between it, and being held by the strange clawed feet on her odd legs, there was nothing blocking his view of a treasure he had never been privileged to see in the flesh previously.

"I'm being kidnapped by a demoness," Xander murmured, feeling almost hypnotized by the tiny motions of her outer lips, as every now and then he got a glimpse of what lay within them. Just a bit above he could see the cleft of her ass cheeks flexing, and just over them, a slender tail.

The oddest thing was not her strangely shaped legs, immense wings, her long and . . . barbed? tail, but that her skin, in spite of showing all the motion of the muscles bunching and stretching beneath as her wings shifted back and forth, catching the wind and lifting them higher still, had all the appearance of carved stone.

He reached up with his free hand, and stroked the skin of the foot? claw? that held his other arm. The skin felt smooth and warm and soft, in spite of its stony appearance. He saw a shiver run up her leg, and quickly desisted. The last thing he wanted was to tickle her and cause her to release him.

A thundering boom startled Xander. Looking around, he finally spied a wide plain out past the mountainous region they were passing over, a plain covered in tiny dots. Though they looked like ants at this distance, their organization and regimented structure made it clear that he was seeing two large armies in conflict. The air shuddered with another great boom, and he saw a circle of ants thrown out of their formation.

Wheeling above the armies, but still far below Xander and his captor, tiny winged figures swirled about like dandelion seeds.

A flash of color drew his attention back to their course, as a mountain loomed ever larger, and he realized that his ride had begun to descend, angling towards a dark spot on the side of a mountain. The color he had seen was a ribbon of lava curling down the flank of the peak next to their target, and he felt a sudden flash of fear.

He had pictured being taken somewhere to be eaten, and had thought he could manage to mount a resistance once they reached the ground again, but what if he was wrong? Not even Captain America could handle being cast into two thousand degree molten rock.

Luckily, as she veered more to one side, he realized that he could now see the opening she seemed to be making for, and there was no red glow coming from it.

Xander was psyching himself up to take action as soon as they landed. However, when she did land, he quickly discovered that merely peak human strength was not enough when facing the superhuman strength of a demon-like woman half-again his size.

He was also not banking on her possessing the power to mold stone like taffy, though given her appearance, he might have been able to guess. Moments after landing, he was bound to an inclined stone slab, his hands and feet literally embedded in solid stone, with no margin for movement. Stone filled every space, every crevice in his fingers and between his toes, making flexing his hands or feet completely impossible.

What he saw next drove every thought of escape right out of Xander's head. Standing beside his captor, blushing prettily and clutching one arm with her other hand to shield her bare breasts, while that hand covered her naked sex, stood a much more human version of his captor. She was slender. Indeed, she was perhaps a bit too skinny, her ribs clearly visible, her cheekbones gaunt, but aside from wings, horns, and a tail, she looked human.

She was barely over half his captor's height, maybe five foot even, and her wings, in proportion to her body were far, far smaller. Where the larger woman's wings dwarfed her giant body, looking in scale similar to a pterosaur, the girl's wings looked more like those of a demoness in medieval or contemporary art. Pretty, but not likely to manage actual flight.

The larger demoness was speaking, a language that sounded at times more guttural, and occasionally more musical, than any Xander was familiar with. Not that Xander was an expert on languages, of course. He knew English, and could recognize, if not understand, French and Spanish.

She seemed to be urging the winged girl towards him, but she was blushing furiously, and resisting. At one point, she hid herself behind one of her wings, and peeked over it at him.

It was only then that he could finally pull his mind away from her nakedness enough to even realize that she had red hair, where the larger figure had deep black hair, and her skin was a pale pink. It was not a human-seeming pink, however, but rather the pink of a pale sandstone, flushing to a red like ochre.

When the giantess had finally coaxed the girl within reach, she reached down with her massive hand, and slipping a single talon into his waistband, pressed it outward, piercing the fabric. As she withdrew her finger, slid her talon into the new opening from the outside, and sliced down his pants leg, Xander realized with a start that he was harder than he had ever been in his life.

The giantess' face was beautiful, he became aware when he turned his attention back to her as she cut through his jeans, but it was the girl that was fueling his lust. She seemed so shy, and yet she was naked, the first truly nude woman he had ever had the opportunity to look at, and no matter how much he told himself he should not ogle her, he eyes constantly returned to her.

He was saddened by her thinness, guessing that she was not starving herself for fashion, but was rather literally starving, being probably unable to fly, and dependent on the other demoness, but her mannerisms unfailingly reminded him of Willow, triggering his protectiveness, even as her nudity refused to allow him to pretend, as he did with Willow, that she was one of the guys, and not an object for sexual fantasizing.

She did not look much like Willow otherwise, her hair being a less coppery shade of red, closer to the color of a fire engine or hydrant, her features and figure more gaunt than slender, her skin so reminiscent of smooth pink stone, but in behavior, she had the same habit of hiding behind her wings that Willow had with her hair.

He was so drawn to her that he was startled again when her gaze became fixed to his groin, and following her gaze, he realized the giantess had finished her work, and he was fully exposed, his dick standing out proudly.

When he had been caught up in the giantess' talons, he had feared being eaten, or taken to feed a brood of monstrous children, like a rabbit carried to an eyrie by an eagle, but now, looking at the girl's timid expression and uncertain manner, he was not fearing her approach, but anticipating it.

Would she really? Could she actually be about to? Her smooth hand, warmer than he was expecting from her stony appearance, his mind extrapolating from prior experience rather than his recent flight, for his captor's talons had been no less warm, rested briefly on his belly, just below his belly button. She withdrew it sharply when he twitched, but that momentary contact, and its location, drew his eye downward, and he realized that she had no belly button, neither innie or outie, nor even a depression to mark where it ought to have been.

Another guttural command brought her hand back to his skin, and she stroked it several times, first his belly, then his thighs. Through all of this, from what he could see, her eyes had not left his erection, following every twitch, every sway as his hips moved in response to her tickling touch.

She leaned in closer, and he groaned at the feel of her warm breath on his skin. She looked up at him in response to his sound, with eyes that were a startling black, no pupil or whites visible, just blackness, and he felt the looming presence of the giantess moving closer. Xander smiled at her, hoping that his face would convey his pleasure and acceptance. He did not bother trying to say anything, knowing that she would not understand it. It took an effort not to react in any other way, but he had the feeling that if he had frightened the girl, or angered her, it was the giantess he would have to deal with.

The knowledge that he could escape with his new powers, if he could think quickly enough, kept his fear down to a point that allowed his moderated response.

He drew in his breath and held it when she looked down again, and leaned forward. She pressed her cheek against his thigh for a moment, then shifted her head to the side and pressed her cheek against his erection. Though it was not the contact he so desperately hoped for, Xander felt a bolt of excitement shooting through him.

Afraid that he was not going to last, Xander closed his eyes, trying to focus, hoping that he could resist.

Unfortunately, that was the same moment that she gathered her courage, and licked him from base to tip. The unexpected surge of pleasure overtook him without warning and he cried out as his cum surged up and out.

His eyes popped open and he glanced down, chagrined, only to feel her hot lips closing around his tip, and sucking each subsequent surge. Staring down at her face, a single line of his cum glistening on her cheek, Xander barely lost any stiffness before he rose again. Her wings were shivering on her back, her tail whipped back and forth, and she whined, pressing closer.

When she stopped getting cum from him, she growled, the vibrations rippling through his cock. He felt her hands press into his thighs, her claws sinking into his flesh as she dropped her head, taking him in completely, and lashing him with her tongue.

She lifted off again and said something, before diving back on, whining, and Xander realized that she was not going to give up after merely one.

He did not really understand what was going on. Initially, he had been too overwhelmed to really think on it, but now, he could not understand why she would bother with giving him a blow-job. How would she even know of them?

Unfortunately, as intent as she seemed, his confusion and the sharp pain of her claws piercing his skin were reducing his arousal. Worried of what might happen if he failed to respond, Xander tried to push past the pain and focus. Looking at the giantess, though she was well-formed, was no use. She was clothed, and now that he was not between her legs, he did not have the deliciously distracting sight to pull him away from her inhuman appearance.

Worse yet, looking down at the girl was little better. She was focused on her task, and not looking up at him, so he could not see her face. Her back was obscured by her wings, so that all he could really see looking down were her wings and tail, not particularly alluring sights, though he did not find them an additional turn-off.

When he tried to picture her as she had looked coming towards him, he found it difficult to resist picturing her thin frame and visible ribs. An idea occurred to him then, between his fear and his compassion, though actually implementing it took long moments of building up his nerve.

Exercising his power near his private parts had never been high on his list of priorities, but he tried to focus and feel the fluid near his groin.

To his surprise, it was far easier than he thought. He could feel several types of fluid, and instinctually he could tell them apart. There was a fluid within his cells that seemed to almost define his form within his mind, then there was his blood, which while defining a tracery through his body, also drew a disturbingly clear picture of his own erection in his mind's eye. And there was the even less pleasant pool of urine in his bladder.

Finding the path of his urethra was more difficult, as it was not fluid filled at the moment, but examining where the urine and traceries of blood met, and delving closer for traces of seminal fluid, Xander managed to find a point where he felt he could introduce a tiny amount of fluid without harming himself.

Luckily for Xander, he did not have to essay this dangerous action, as his distraction from his fears had allowed his body to respond more fully to her ministrations, and he identified several glands that were quickly producing small pools of seminal fluid to be added to an imminent eruption.

Focusing on these pools, Xander tried to imbue them with healing and nourishing effects without changing their substance. He watched from within as he came, and in that instant, as his orgasm rushed through his mind, he felt as though his senses and his mind had momentarily merged, and he actually and intimately understood the fluids in his groin.

So clear was this sudden understanding that it was without the least trepidation that he artificially prolonged his orgasm, maintaining the volume of blood in his dick even as the muscles at its base relaxed, allowing for a reduction in pressure, and activated each gland in turn to produce one genuine spurt of semen after another.

She eagerly gulped this down, and he did not stop the production until he felt her pull back, and saw a line of glistening white splatter against her cheek. Even so there were two more pulses before he could wind the production down; they had been 'in the pipe,' so to speak.

Though it had been less intense than his actual orgasm, it had still been pleasurable and much more prolonged, and with it finally over, Xander sagged against the inclined stone, his weight pulling harder on his hands as his legs twitched from the release of tension. He had not realized it until they relaxed, but his thighs and calves had been straining to press his dick out further the entire time it was in her mouth.

While she may not have been able to continue handling the volume he had been producing, she was clearly not fully sated, as she proceeded to gather up the rest of his spend with her fingers and suck it down, then began licking him thoroughly.

She worked her way around his groin, cleaning him, then began an exploratory campaign across his thighs. He heard her murmur something indistinct when her tongue encountered the first of the wounds she had put in his right thigh with her claws, and to his surprise and consternation, she latched her lips around the injury and sucked hard, drawing the blood forth with pleased murmurs and burbles. Then she licked around to the next hole and repeated the procedure.

It was slightly painful, as each hole that she sucked on seemed to rise to a new peak of pain, though he recognized that this was merely an artifact of his body relaxing during the time that she spent moving from one wound to another, but it felt good as well, and after her first suckle, any thoughts he might have had about sucking down some healing elixir had flitted from his mind.

When she moved from his right thigh to his left, he found he was actually anticipating her arrival at the first break in the skin on that side. It did not take her long to finish getting the blood she had spilled with her claws.

She moved up then, bathing his new six-pack with her tongue. He had not had a chance to really look at the changes to himself that had occurred as the result of his version of the serum, but he could feel the difference as she crossed a rise and entered another dip.

When she reached his chest, she spent some time licking and sucking his nipples. Xander was surprised at how much pleasure this gave him, as previously he had only pictured himself sucking on a girl's nipples, never imagining that receiving the same attention would feel this good.

Having her sucking on his neck a moment later was also surprisingly pleasurable, but he was not surprised at all to feel a sudden sharp pain a moment later, followed by a steady flicking of her tongue over the gash she had made in his neck.

A healing elixir would take care of that, but she would just gash him again, he knew. That she was drinking his blood straight from the tap, as it were, was not a turn-off, as he had expected. In fact, the sensations contributed to a rising hard-on, but Xander had no intention of letting her bleed him to death.

Thinking hard, Xander worked out that he could produce fluids in concert with his salivary glands, so that he could suck it directly into his mouth without needing to suck on a finger. He did not want to have any of the sort of visible abnormalities such as super-fast healing or an inability to be injured that would lead to a long-term laboratory stay, so he did not want to make any permanent changes.

That thought itself gave him the answer, and a moment later, he had ingested a draught that would give his blood alone a Wolverine-scale regenerative capacity for only the next two hours.

If he needed more, he would take more, but after that time, he would be normal again, and not at risk of becoming a lab-rat.

With that taken care of, Xander abandoned himself to the pleasure of her suckling. When his attention returned outward, he was surprised to realize that her clawed hand had closed gently around his renewed erection, and she was stroking him lightly as she sucked, licked, and nipped at his neck.

Her breasts were pressed into his chest, and Xander was suddenly aware that sometime between getting blown, and her licking him all over, his shirt had been shredded. Bits were still present on his shoulders, and he could still feel cloth between his back and the stone, but nothing covered his front, nothing shielded him from the warm, soft pressure of her breasts, nor the hard points of her nipples pressing into his skin.

The shock of so much sensation at once was too much for him, and he could feel himself explode again, his cock twitching and throbbing in her grasp as he sprayed, coating their bellies and thighs.

His mind shutdown when he felt another tongue licking him clean and realized that he, Xander Harris, in his first ever sexual encounter, was being double-teamed by two gorgeous demon-babes.

When his awareness finally returned, he felt a heavenly warmth and pressure around his cock, and the exotic feel of stiff nipples rubbing up and down his chest, as the winged girl posted up and down on his erection.

He still felt the giantess' hands on him, but when he gathered the strength to look, he was startled to discover that he was wrong, and the hands on his thighs and the hot mouth that had just sucked in one of his balls belonged to a girl almost identical to the one fucking him, though her coloration of skin and hair matched the giantess perfectly.

They were speaking, between moans, gasps, and shudders, and as delicious as everything felt, Xander realized that he wanted to know what they were saying.

Xander wasted several distracted minutes running through superheroes in his head, from linguistic geniuses like Cypher, to telepaths like Professor Xavier, or J'onn J'onnz, the Martian Manhunter, before he realized that he had only minutes before, under the intense pressure of fearing for his life, sucked down a fluid that had never existed to give himself the power of a superhero in a very limited aspect and duration.

"Man," he thought to himself, "who would ever imagine I would be the one to over-think something!" Once again he sucked down a draught, and instantly, the murmured conversation of his captors became comprehensible.

It was strange, as the same sounds that a moment ago were gibberish were suddenly understandable, but even stranger was that his memory was quickly rolling over the sounds he had heard before.

The picture they were putting together for him was a bit frightening. There was something that the two of them hoped the smaller could draw out of him that would help her with some problem she was having. They thought this might work because his use of his power had been observed by the giantess, circling overhead, and if they did not succeed in drawing out the magic they needed, the next step would be to physically consume him, to simply eat him, and see if ingesting his flesh would convey enough power.

His surge of fear was no match for the teenage hormones that were achieving their first real success, and he could feel his climax rapidly approaching. Suddenly powerfully motivated, he focused once again on his glands, putting all his effort, distracted and confused though he was, into coaxing them into producing a fluid that would give the redhead whatever power or magic she needed.

His orgasm was glorious, as the changes to his semen caused it to send unexpected tingles of pleasure through his flesh as it passed through, tingles that seemed, of their own accord, to prolong and strengthen his orgasm and his pleasure.

He forced his eyes open when he heard her scream, and found the pink demoness had her head thrown back, her back arched pressing her breasts into him as she shuddered and shook, her wings twitching.

When the grey-skinned demoness helped the pink one to slide off his still-stiff erection, they were both surprised to see the fluid on his cock and dripping from her lips was a brilliant blue that seemed to shine from within, filled with tiny white sparkles. After laying the exhausted and still quivering red-haired demoness down, the grey one turned back and knelt before him, reaching out tentatively with a single taloned finger to gingerly touch a glimmering drop of blue on the tip of his cock.

Her eyelids drooped when she touched it, and she shuddered, then leaned forward and sucked him in, swirling her tongue around to catch every last drop, and pumping him lightly with her hand to ensure she had it all.

When they finally left him alone, Xander was exhausted, and his entire body ached, but none so much as his dick and balls. He had watched the transformation as first the grey demoness had returned to the giant winged form, and then the pink one had followed suit. They had both examined her and commented on her wings and claws, so he was fairly certain that it was this transformation that she had previously been incapable of, and which was thereby responsible for her starvation.

While sympathetic to her plight, Xander was also frightened. His first sexual experience had certainly been exciting and intense, beyond any dreams or imagining, but by the end it had become an ordeal, as his body strained, even with the help of his powers, to satisfy two demonic sex-machines. By the end, he was fairly certain that he had expelled more fluid than had been in his body in the first place, and had he not had his powers to help him, he would have been dead.

He had not dared, at the time, to attempt to actually heal himself, lest they never stop. He knew if he gave out too quickly, however, they would surely eat him. In the end, he was half-convinced that it was only the desire to fly properly for the first time that finally drew the pink one away, and without that, they might well use him until he just gave out, and then eat him.

Either way, whether chained here forever as a sex-slave, or consumed entirely, he would never see Jessie and Willow again, and that was not acceptable.

So, now that they had gone and he had a short window, Xander sucked down a healing draught, then turned his attention to the molded stone that held him pinned to the slab. After considering it for several minutes, Xander finally settled on melting the stone. He could probably blow it apart or crack it by forcing water in and freezing it, or using massive amounts of air, but any way he looked at it, he was going to have to take something first to protect him, whether from rock shards or swiftly growing ice crystals.

If he had to do so anyway, then he might as well take something that could protect him from lava, hopefully, and test it here with a very minor amount of melted rock, before facing trying to escape, what with the lava river he had seen on the flight to the cave.

Formulating and taking a potion was easy enough, and though he was nervous about the heat, he knew that he could heal himself if something went wrong, so he was soon producing hotter and hotter fluids as he sought to melt through the stone.

Unfortunately for Xander, his understanding of thermodynamics was not the best, and while he was able to produce molten stone, and then molten iron and molten steel, none of them had an appreciable impact on the rock. The heat dissipated from them into the air and the stone, cooling the fluid far more quickly than it was heating the stone, as the mass of liquid was so much smaller, so while the air around him was heating uncomfortably, he was only succeeding in adding rock crystals and lumps of metal to his prison.

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